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Public Building Commission Minutes 8/11/2010 and 8/18/2010
South Windsor Public Building Commission
Minutes - Regular Meeting – August 11 2010
and adjournment to August 18, 2010

Present:  Chairman Fitts and  Members:  Jeski, and Lyons.

Also present:  Project Manager Netz.

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Directors’ Conference Room in the South Windsor Public Library.  Vacations had taken their toll so there was no quorum and an informal meeting was held with no votes taken.

Communications and Correspondence


New Fire House #3 and Ambulance Facility

Project Manager Netz reviewed project status in discussions of the Monthly Report that is attached.  Progress is good and ahead of schedule.  There are some items needing input from Chief Crombie, like landscaping and phone and computer jack installations.  In addition, the Owners Change Order Log and CM Change Order Log were reviewed.  

All change orders flagged on the report were agreed to by the PBC Members present.  .  There are notes on the attached CM Reports.  It was recognized that planning should begin for formal acceptance and turn-over of the building, probably in September.

Community Center Expansion for More Senior Space

Since the Town Council has set this issue for a November referendum and all design work has been completed, no one attended the meeting to discuss any Senior Center issues.

Commission members expect arrangements to be made for a facilities tour to review actual HVAC installations such as proposed for the Senior Center where our expert would have the opportunity to show many of the details he described.  Architect Hossain agreed to work with the engineer to set up a field trip.

The PBC has still heard nothing from earlier suggestions that a letter of agreement between the Town Manager and northerly neighbor Windemere be executed to clear up any confusion over the property line that had never been properly documented in Town records.  While this is not a current hot issue, with the decision now made on a referendum, the PBC suggests this time would seem to be ideal to resolve it, but it appears to be a responsibility of the Town Manager and Town Attorney.  It would be unfortunate to tie up an approved project over this issue.

Chairman Fitts is searching his copies of files on the Community Center Project from 20 years ago to see if details regarding the materials used in the construction are available.

With no quorum and all discussions concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm until 6:30 pm in the same meeting room at the Library on August 18th.

Adjourned Meeting  from August 11, 2010

Chairman Fitts called the adjourned meeting from August 11th to order at 6:30 pm on August 18, 2010 in the Directors’ Conference Room in the South Windsor Public Library.  

Present:  Chairman Fitts and  Members:  Jeski, Lyons and Neary.

With a quorum present, the minutes of the July 21, 2010 meeting were approved, the proposed Change Orders were discussed and approved (# 094, 095, 096, 098, and 099) and three invoices detailed below were approved.  The resolution of the CM’s problems with AT&T (CM Change Order # 097) were happily noted.

Payment of Invoices

Presented for payment were one Application for Payment and two invoices.  A motion was made for approval, was seconded, and all were unanimously approved, and recommended for payment.  
Application for Payment # 021 for the period ending 7-31-10 totaling $206,165.62 from Cutter Enterprises, LLC for costs associated with construction management for the Fire Station # 3 Replacement Project.
Invoice No. 10199 dated 8-16-10 totaling $9,100 from Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC for architectural activities associated with the Fire Station # 3 Replacement Project.
Invoice # 02110075.00-3 dated 7-28-10 totaling $1,155.00 from BVH Integrated Services, Inc. for commissioning activities for the Fire Station # 3 Replacement Project.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.

The next regular PBC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday September 8, 2010, starting at 6:30 pm in the Directors’ Room on the lower level of the South Windsor Public Library.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,
H. E. Fitts, Temporary Secretary